By Sr Rita Marie Apura CSFN
Over recent weeks, since May 18, I have had the opportunity to reflect on the past 25 years of religious life with joy and gratitude. One sentence that keeps coming to mind is, "My heart is full of joy". I truly believe that God has been incredibly good to me, and I am constantly amazed at how the Lord has blessed me in ways I never thought possible. I am especially thankful for the gift of my vocation to religious life as a sister of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth.
Sister Rita Marie Apura CSFN is pictured with her Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth and clergy who celebrated her jubilee Eucharistic celebration. PHOTO: Supplied.
Throughout every experience, whether it be in my community or through my ministry, I have encountered the grace of God. Every challenge, every moment of joy, every sacrifice, and every act of letting go has contributed to my growth and has shaped me into the person I am today. I have been blessed to meet incredible people, each one reflecting Jesus in their own unique way. Whether it was praying with someone in their final moments or simply offering a listening ear, these encounters have taught me humility and have been moments of profound grace. Each shared moment has been a lesson in love, humility, and grace. I can honestly say that in serving others, I have been served; in loving others, I have been loved; and in guiding others, I have been guided.
Sr Rita enjoys her jubilee celebrations.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to my Congregation, the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, and to Sr Małgorzata Kozub, our Provincial Leader, as well as all my Sisters and Associates in the Holy Spirit Province here in Australia. Their unwavering support and love have meant the world to me. I also want to thank my family and friends for their trust, love, and patience. They have been with me on this journey, blessing me and helping me grow as both a person and a religious sister. Thank you! I am incredibly grateful for the Eucharistic celebration led by Fr Asaeli Rass, SVD, Provincial Leader, and the 11 concelebrant priests who were present. Their prayers, love, and support on that day were truly special to me.
I thank everyone for being a part of such a wonderful celebration.
Here’s to the future, to faith, to hope, to joy and most importantly, to love.
Please join me in prayers of gratitude this day and know of my prayers for each person who has been a part of this incredible journey, this pilgrimage of faith we call JOYFUL LIFE!
‘Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever’! (Psalm 136:1)
This article was supplied to Pathways.