CRA has created new Committees to support Leaders and to work actively with Church and other agencies and organisations in the wider community, to advocate for change, increase awareness of justice issues, and provide resources for congregational leaders to support their ministries. The Committees are established by the Council of CRA and are accountable to the CRA Council.

The CRA Committees provide expertise, information, communication and professional development to support the Leaders of religious institutes, their members and lay colleagues and to ensure that their voice is represented to protect, support and help the marginalised in society and the many areas in which religious work and minister.


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Our purpose is to promote an awareness of God’s mission and the role of religious and all Christians in that mission. It is also to enable ongoing conversation on global mission in the Australian Church and to be a forum for sharing mission activities and challenges.

Co Chairs:
Philippe Dulawan
Alison Ryan

Maddy Forde
Peter Gates
Asaeli Rass SVD
Catherine Simmonds

CRA Ecology Alliance committee

Aims to be a voice to find new ways of living and being in harmony with Earth; to strengthen the identity and seek inspiration from each charism in building a mission of integral ecology and eco-justice by working closely with those who have an expertise in Laudato Si’.

Living Laudato Si’ is the call of our times, and Catholic religious congregations have the expertise and tools to assist all in the journey. The CRA Ecology Alliance provides support for congregations and congregational schools in the wider Catholic Church community through formation, witness and assistance in tracking the journey to live Laudato Si’.

Sue Martin
Sally Neaves


Kelvin Barrett SSC
Jane Collopy
Frances Maguire RSJ
Jeffrey Regan CFC
Beth Riolo

CRA Health and Wellbeing COMMITTEE

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The purpose of the Committee is to facilitate networking and provide a forum for those engaged in the development and maintenance of the health and well-being of members of Religious Institutes. The Committee explores opportunities for appropriate, contemporary and visionary care for Religious.

Co Chairs:
Marina Delaiola
Carolyn Hunt RSM

Annette Coulthart
Clare McMahon
Catherine Molihan
Gabrielle Owen RSM
Patricia Ridgway
Phillip Watkins SSS

CRA Initial Formation Committee

The purpose of the CRA Initial Formation Committee is to provide opportunities for collaboration and to respond to and address the emerging needs of those in initial formation.

Chair: Maria Bongiorno IBVM

Bryan Davis FMS
Lianella Girardi RSJ Margaret Bannon RSM
Sarah Puls SGS
Firminus Wiryono SVD

CRA interculturality COMMITTEE


The purpose of the CRA Interculturality Committee is to contribute to the re-imagining of the expression of the universal charism of religious life, focusing on the emerging issues for the living of Religious life.

Chair: Meg Kahler SGS

Jennifer Clarke SMSM
Clare Conaglen RSJ
Teresita Marcelo RSC
Denis Travers CP
Ratana Sriwarakul DC
Jeffrey Crowe FMS
Lilian Bong SJA
Cathy Solano RSM
M. Anetta Szczykutowicz PDDM
Hieu Tran OP


The purpose of the CRA Justice Committee is to actively promote justice by giving religious and their colleagues a clearly articulated public voice on issues of justice. This involves advocating, educating, engaging and supporting religious institutes in their work for justice and their development of just policies and practices. The Committee provides information and resource material for the Council and/or leaders when a significant national voice is required.

Chair: Sarah Menassa-Rose

Lisa Buxton
Corinne Fagueret
John Ferguson
Melinda Jolly



The Committee is primarily concerned with support to Religious Institutes on practical matters associated with business management and resource management.

Chair: Mary Groenewegen

Michael Belonio OSA
Andrew Biddle
Campion Fernando
Michael Voyias
Kathryn Yates