Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) supports the coalition of groups meeting on October 14 to ramp up the campaign for more humane asylum policies in the New South Wales electorate of Wentworth ahead of the by-election.
CRA represents approximately 7,000 religious women and men deeply concerned at the plight of refugees and asylum seekers on off-shore islands and those in Australia at risk of losing their only financial support.
Sr Monica Cavanagh rsj, President of CRA says, “CRA is anxious for the development of a humane and supportive refugee policy. We are also mindful of the number of Catholic and religious institutions in the Wentworth electorate, including hospitals, parishes and schools, and we join in supporting the recent letter sent to constituents and the public meeting”.
The meeting is an opportunity for the candidates to hear about the suffering endured by those detained on Manus Island and Nauru and the hardships thrust on those in Australia who have lost or are losing their status resolution support services, which provides a safety net for people living in the community on bridging visas.
CRA supports the chorus of voices from the AMA, the heads of churches and leading psychiatrists, who have called on the government to remove families and children from Nauru and allow for the orderly processing and subsequent removal of the men on Manus Island.
With national attention on this by-election, the coalition of groups which has invited the candidates to the public meeting on 14 October at Waverley College at 4.30pm, may be able to persuade Prime Minister Morrison to hear the pleas of men, women and children who are daily exposed to trauma, violence and despair.
Media Enquiries
Libby Rogerson ibvm
CRA Justice Committee
M: 0439 039 449
Download Media Release pdf: 20181003 CRA supports campaign for more humane asylum policies
PHOTO: Margaret Hinchey rsm, Anne Lane pbvm, Lorraine McCleary fdnsc