Catholic Religious Australia President, Br Peter Carroll FMS has joined other Australian faith leaders in signing a statement urging our political leaders to reconsider the needs and futures of people who are still on Temporary Protection Visas. The faith leaders say it is time to offer people on TPVs permanent protection.
Religious call for a Vote for Justice this Federal Election
Ahead of this year’s Federal Election, Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) has released a new extended edition of their Justice publication Just Now, with a focus on voting for justice. Rising above people-politics, its intention is to shine a spotlight on current hot button issues, in addition to longstanding areas of injustice, to guide readers to consider how their vote might help to advocate for the most vulnerable.
Catholic religious urge Government to drastically reform Climate Change policies
Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) has written to the Government highlighting grave concerns it holds with the government’s current plan for achieving net zero emissions by 2050. The plan is inconsistent with the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report, which has warned that only a narrow window of opportunity is left for urgent and drastic action to reduce global emissions. The government’s plan also shuns Australia’s responsibility to update its 2030 emissions reduction target, as a signatory to the 2015 Paris Agreement.
A Catalyst for Conversation that Focuses on a Transparent and Vibrant Church
As the Second Assembly of the Plenary Council approaches, Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) will deliver the third and final ‘conversation,’ as part of its exploration of Light from the Southern Cross Report. The online event, Accountability & Transparency will be held on 18 May 2022, featuring Susan Pascoe AM and Claire Victory as the keynote speakers.