Forty days of living by the grace of God

So now, (in Lent) we, the people of God commit ourselves to the challenge of reflecting on how authentically or otherwise we are living as self-proclaimed disciples of Jesus, of opening our eyes to whatever remains when we let go of many of the comforts to which we have become wedded. We commit ourselves as a Christian community to spending forty days of living more by the grace of God than by what we can provide for ourselves, writes Christian Brother Julian McDonald..

Does my life reflect the Kingdom of God?

This Sunday’s gospel reading challenges each of us to reflect on the extent to which our lives reflect the advent of the kingdom of God, writes Christian Brother Julian McDonald. Is there anything in my words and actions that excludes or alienates anyone? Who are the “lepers” in my life, those whom I deliberately avoid because they discomfort me, disagree with me or don’t hesitate to challenge me?